Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie was pegged for success at a very young age as the daughter of famed actor Jon Voight. It was with her father that Jolie made her film debut in the 1982 film “Lookin’ to Get Out.” Since then, it has been nothing but smooth sailing for Jolie, who is now the highest paid actress in all of Hollywood. Jolie has won many awards over her long career that include an Academy Award for Best Actress in the 1999 film “Girl, Interrupted.”

After a strange marriage to Billy Bob Thornton, Jolie is now married to someone who is also considered among the most attractive men in the world, Brad Pitt. Jolie was named to the top of the list herself on the female side in 2006 by People Magazine, confirming something that a lot of us already knew: her undeniable and remarkably exquisite beauty. Jolie and Pitt now have six children together, all of whom we can assume will be famous in Hollywood one day.